Excel for mac odbc driver for mysql

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Sample code below fails with MySQL ODBC Connector 8.0.23 connecting to 8.0.23 server, due to:ĮRROR Malformed communication packet. Why is MS Access apparently uncapable of linking in MYSQL tables with compound/composite primary keys? Is there a solution or workaround?Ĭase: ADO.NET DataAdapter, inserting a new row containing long text to be inserted into a %TEXT column, without specifying values for columns after it. If I remove the primary keys from the table in the MYSQL database, then the very same linked table correctly connects and contains all data. If I 'import' the table instead of link it, all data correctly downloads and can be viewed and worked on in MSAccess.

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And all the database fields contain '#Name?'. However, as soon as I open the table I get the error ODBC-call failed. In the design view the database fields are all correctly displayed, and the two columns 'station and data' are correctly marked as primary key.

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The table is linked and appears in the access database. In MS Access, the database connection works fine. In MS ACCESS (2016) the table 'stations' is linked using the 'user dsn' for the MYSQL database. On a windows computer a 'user dsn' to the MYSQL database is established via the ODBC Administrator. Scenario: A MYSQL database contains a table with a composite primary key (the primary key comprises 2 columns like so:ĬREATE TABLE stations ( station CHAR, date DATE, PRIMARY KEY (station, date) )